Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Geologic Timeline Reflection

Two major event in Earths history is the extinction of dinosaurs in the Cretaceous period, and the evolution of Eukaryotic cells two billion years ago. Another important event is the evolution of mankind during the Holocene epoch in the Cenozoic era. The reason the extinction of dinosaurs is critical is it not only shows the end of reptilian domination as well as the evolution of mammals. Even before the dinosaurs is the evolution of eukaryotic cells which became the dinosaurs and mammals that evolved into humans.

Earth's history mainly occurred during the Precambrian period and was just the development of the basic units of life like oxygen and unicellular cells. After the Precambrian period however is when the main evolution of mammals and all life occurred.

Just as humans we screwed up the atmosphere and caused the extinction of hundreds of organisms. We also have decimated the forests, polluted the ocean and continue to spew poisonous gas into the atmosphere.

It would be interesting to see how long the Holocene period will actually last. Based on the extinction of the dinosaurs and all other evidence of mass extinction, it is safe to assume we too will be decimated at a point. I wonder if we will just be fossils that future life forms find just as we find and try to explain the fossils of dinosaurs.

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