Thursday, April 6, 2017

Hunger Games Final analysis

1. In this lab we studied the effects of natural selection in a classroom environment where we were all birds fighting for survival.

2. The phenotype that was the best at collecting food was the pinchers because it was easier to pick up corks by pinching them. In comparison to the stumpies which had to pick corks up with their wrists, the pinchers were more efficient and better at collecting the corks.

3. The population did evolve as the little "a" surpassed the big "A" allele. It started off as a 50, 5O difference but after the second generation it became 33% little "a" and 67% big "A". The population evolved from an equal amount of stumpies, pinchers, and knucklers, to just knucklers and pinchers, with the stumpies on having 1, or 2 repersentatives. The knucklers were the dominant race having a "Aa" allele combination, but in the end, the pinchers still ended up collecting the most food. 

4. The variables in this lab that were random was the placement of the food, and the placement of the birds. If you were closer to the food and had less people around you, you got more food. This is an example of genetic drift. What was also random was the amount of corks needed for offspring which varied from 5 to 12. What was not random was how the offspring was created. We used coins to determine what children we concieved but you could choose any partner you wanted whether it was a stumpy and you were a pincher or vice versa. 

5. If the food was bigger or smaller the results would be the same because our results were based on allele frequency. No matter what the foods size was the knucklers had the best allele combination and therefore would have been the dominant variation no matter what. However, a variable would be how easy it would be to collect food. For the stumpys it would be easier if the food was bigger but if it was smaller, it would be more difficult. Like the galappogas finches, the populations would have to evolve to fit the food size. 

6. If there was no incomplete dominance, there would be no knuckles at all, and therefore, the variation that was the majority of the population would disappear. Incomplete dominance proved to be crucial to the lab because they had a higher chance of being made, and therefore dominated the population.

7. Evolution occurs because natural selection helps weed out the weak genetics and only allow those with the genetics needed to survive reproduce. By only allowing the ones with the genetics to survive to reproduce, the population becomes the variation that has the best genetics and therefore a species evolves.

8. Some strategies people evolved to survive better was to stay away from people and choose the corks that were not in the huge clumps, or to grab multiple corks at a time. In nature, animals do anything they can to survive and reproduce. On an emphasis on ANYTHING, it made sense in the lab if people went overboard. People were tackled and dove to the floor in order to secure the most food. People pushed people out of the way in order to ensure they got the amount of food needed to survive.

9. In this lab, what evolved was the beaks. Since the beaks are a phenotype or physical trait, I can state natural selection acts on the phenotype.

10. If there were no stumpys, and only had "aa" as pinchers and "AA" as knucklers and no incomplete dominance who would make up the most of the population, or would it be equal?

This is the graph of allele frequency. 

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