Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Unit 9 Reflection

This unit we focused on the defining characteristics of organisms, and the classification of these organisms. These organisms are divided by Kingdom, Domain, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species. There are five kingdoms which are divided into a three domain system. Besides the basics, the most important thing we learned is how we evolved from the smallest of organisms to us. We watched a documentary called "Your Inner Fish" which depicted a man looking for a fossil evidence to prove that we evolved from fish. He was looking for one of the transitional fish/ tetra-pod organisms.

Some questions I have can not be answered at this moment. I want to know how dinosaurs looked like, not their structure- which can be defined by their fossil- but their exterior. I heard that some dinosaurs may have been covered in colorful feathers and bright scales which is very different from what I had known about dinosaurs being brown and green. I wonder why dinosaurs would have colorful feathers and what the purpose would serve. I also wonder how mammals managed to stay alive with all the dinosaurs ruling the earth. I would assume they went underground, but the fact that they were able to evolve into modern mammalia is incredible.

Image result for dinosaurs with feathers

To help us learn in a different fashion about evolution, we did solitary projects on different organisms. I feel for my project I could have done far better. I was not as prepared as I could have been and it totally showed in my deliverance. Next time I definitely should review my information more before I present. I did the project a week back and did not look at it till I presented it and because of that I left out a ton of information and did not meet the time limit.

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