Friday, October 28, 2016

Why is Sex Important?

Why isn't sex important? Sex is the way that we reproduce our own genetic code. Sex is the way our race, whether human or beast, or bacteria grows and flourishes. When a male and female perform sexual intercourse, their genetic code gets transported and shared. Without sex, your race will cease to exist. Asexual reproduction is a way to escape sex, but in most cases, giving up sex leads to the extinction of that race. Since reproducing asexually leads to mutations infecting the embryo, races can be wiped out completely. To tell whether a organism is truly asexually is by looking at the offspring. IF they have to same exact patterns, then they are asexual because the only thing that can cause differences is mutations. Fungi reproduces asexually, and so does E.coli, as known to its friends. DO NOT CONFUSE WITH Br. Coli

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