Monday, October 24, 2016

Unit 3 Reflection

In this unit, we studied the parts and functions of a cell. Since everything living contains cells, it is important to know what occurs in a cell and how a cell is set up. Processes like osmosis and photosynthesis and cellular respiration are essential to life, and we performed different labs to work on how they worked. Cells are made up of organelles like a nucleus, and some cells have other parts as well. There are many types of cells Plant and Animal cells, There are two main types prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and they both have different characteristics and defining features. It was easy to grasp the parts of the cell since we learned that last year, but when we drew the diagram of photosynthesis, I was completely lost. I had to go back and watch the vodcast to even understand the diagram. 

I learned about the process of osmosis and how diffusion works with it. I also am now able to talk about the differences and similarities of photosynthesis and cellular respiration. I feel like I came from very little background on cellular respiration and osmosis, but after doing the egg lab and studying more about it, I was able to understand Osmosis. I am still working on understanding cellular respiration, but I know a lot more than from where I started from. Below is the Egg diffusion lab we did in class.

This is the diagram of photosynthesis I had trouble understanding.

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