Friday, September 23, 2016

Unit 2 Reflection

Unit two's main theme is what chemistry ideas should biologists know. Since we study life, we need to know certain chemistry main points to help us extend our knowledge. Molecules are the basic building blocks of life. They can make up three main bonds such as Hydrogen bonds, Ionic bonds or covalent bonds. Water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen and its extremely important to life. Water is great for making solutions, and can attract other molecules. Acids bases and pH are also important to biology because they have characteristics that are crucial for our labs such as the enzyme lab that we did. The next size of molecules we studies were the macro molecules including carbohydrates, lipids, protein, and Nucleic Acids. They are all crucial parts of our bodies. We also studies enzymes structures which we went into dept with our cheese lab where we tested the factors that affected enzymes.

Doing the labs helped me understand how the things we learned in vodcasts such as sugars are made and how the characteristics of it affects its taste, look, and structure. In the Sweetness Lab, we deducted that disachharides were the sweetest, and in our enzyme lab, we tested and made the conclusion that chymosin is hot and acidic temperatures were the ideal to make enzymes work fastest.

I would love to learn more about how to eat healthy from a proper source, and not advertisements and people who have an ulterior motive, because eating healthy and keeping my body in shape is an important part of my life. I would like to be able to tell which foods I'm eating are actually good for me, and not just labels trying to trick and sell their product.

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