Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Jean Lab Conclusion

In this lab we asked the question if bleach breaks down pigments then will a higher amount bleach damage the fabric.  We found that certain levels of bleach can cause sufficient color change to the jeans. The jean squares that were put in the 100% bleach concentration got about 60% lighter, and the ones that were doused in plain water did not change at all. I thought that since bleach often left holes in clothing in my experience, at least some damage would occur to the fabric either in general look, or texture. This did not match the results we got because other than slight discoloration and some texture roughness, there was minimal damage to the actual jean.

Our data contradicts to the expected results because we constantly messed up the the lab. We accidently left the timer on for too long and our labels were slightly messy and unorganized. We accidently mixed up bleach and water solutions and washed the jeans out with bleach.
Those errors most definitely affected the final results as they were not as obvious as the other groups.  Due to those errors I would definitely try to improve communication and work harder to keep organized.

This lab was done to was done to help us understand the scientific method and for us to learn how to write a proper conclusion. This lab reinforced what I had learnt in middle school on how to write a hypothesis and follow lab protocol. This also helped me understand how to write a more in depth scientific conclusion than what we did in eighth grade. Based on my experience in this lab, I will continue to explore how to write a proper conclusion and how to follow the scientific method, as well as focus on being more neat and organized while doing the lab itself.


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